Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thoughts from the past, lesson for the future
As I sit here at my desk I know that in a few hours our country will pick the next president. I've cast my vote i've prayed my prayers and all I can do is wait. Polls show the man I support is behind and he will probably lose, yet through all which might come, gay marriage, the repeal of partial birth abortion, and a whole host of things that could hinder my rights as a Christian, i'm strangely comfortable with it. Not to say that I support what might come down the legislative pike, but i have this promise. This promise from a man who hung on a cross and died for my sins. In him I have all spiritual blessings, I have no condemnation and I have forgiveness of sins. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Great I Am. It is in him that I have the promise of eternal life if I live by the commandments he has given me. The great thing about this promise is that no natural disaster can shake it's foundation, no war can destroy it, public opinion cant alter it, congress cant abolish it and the president can't veto it. It is this promise which I clinge to when the sun is shining or when the storm clouds roll in. Some say that if Obama is elected Christianity is dead. Well i respectfully disagree. Obama does not change who Christ is, what Christ did, and the promise I have in him. He does not change Jesus Christ. It is through this name that we have the ability to live no just and earthly life but an eternal life, free from saddeness and pain....Jesus Christ....there is just something about that nameRomans 8:31-37
Whether it be in textbooks, classrooms, or just casual conversation between friends and family, evolution is largely assumed to be true. Sadly, the supposed evidences behind the theory are skewed, inaccurate, systematically chosen and forced from the field of research into text book creating the delusion of fact. The evidences which do not support the theory are tossed out and passed off as religiously motivated. Yet, the evolution delusion has seeped through the walls of the Church to a point where preacher, elders, deacons, and brethren are trying to compromise God’s word. Is there any evidence in the Bible which shows that evolution cannot be acceptable? Here, then, are a couple of reason why there cannot be a compatible compromise between God’s word and evolution.
The most important reason why evolution cannot be compatible with the Bible is the source of creation. Darwinian evolution claims all species had a common ancestor which, with time, gradual change, natural selection, and random mutation, formed different species. The guiding force behind the evolutionary process is not God, but simply mother nature herself. On the contrary, the Bible suggest in Genesis 1:1 “God created the heavens and the earth.” Obviously, God cannot be the guiding force behind an unguided process, like evolution. If evolution is true, then by default there is no God, but if there is a God then Darwinian evolution cannot exist.
The second reason why evolution cannot exist scripturally is simply due to the evidence we can observe in the world, with the evidence given in God’s divine word. Evolutionist, suggest that species can evolve into different species. For instance apes into man, or dinosaurs into birds. However, the Bible says in Genesis 1:21 “God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind,” Further more in Genesis 1:24-25 God said “Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind…God made the beast of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.”
To this day we can observe dogs making dogs, cats making cats, yet we have no evidence of dogs making sharks.
Therefore, scripturally speaking there is no evidence for the theory of evolution to harmonize with God’s divine word. When all the evidence is gathered, studied and properly analyzed the case for evolution is nothing more than a simple delusion.
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