Wednesday, February 25, 2009 old were they again?

In text books, college classrooms, or just casual talk between friends and family it is often assumed that Dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago (I just love how they come up with round numbers...every time). But recent findings have led some to believe that the age of Dinosaurs could be substantially younger then what has long been taught as a dogmatic truth.

In October of 2006 Dr. Mary Schweitzer, assistant professor of paleontology at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, managed to isolate soft tissue from the femur of a supposed 65 million year old Tyrannosaur Rex. However just examining a T-Rex bone was nothing compared to what would follow next. (
As Dr. Schweitzer went to study the components of the bone itself, she extracted soft tissue, which was still in tact. While scientific estimations suggest that organic molecules in fossils do not preserve past 100,000 years, somehow, some way, this T-Rex fossil still has soft tissue, and when placed under a microscope blood vessel were still in tact, and contents could still be squeezed out of them.(,

So hooow old are these fossils suppose to be? for the longest time many scientist assumed 65 million years old, now due to this scientific breakthrough, the aging of dinosaurs should be re-examined by the scientific community. The question is, will it? With Dr. Schweitzer's discovery, a long standing hypothesis faces its greatest challenge yet.......Evolution or Creation?

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